Celebrating 131 years of service in Rankin!

Connect. Serve. Grow

MOBC Ministries

Our ministries are made up of incredible individuals who use their time and talents to build the kingdom of God. Whether you’re a man or woman, adult or child, we have a ministry designed with you in mind!

Mighty Mount Kidz

Children's Church that meets every Sunday during morning worship for a lesson, craft, and snack. Space is available for all ages!

Altar Guild

In charge of beautifying the sanctuary/building for different events and seasons throughout the year.

Senior Usher Board

In charge of greeting people as they enter the door and make sure needs are met for those who attend worship services.

Comfort & Care Ministry

Provides support to members who have lost a loved one and are going through grief

M.O.V.E. Ministry

"Mount Olive's Vision for Everyone." Main goal is to help meet the material and physical needs of those in the community. It is one of the main outreach arms of the church.

New Members' Class

Those who join Mount Olive go through a series of classes designed to teach what we believe and introduce new members to the ministries and procedures of the church.

Pastor's Prayer & Support Ministry

Aids the pastor by making sure any needs for Sunday morning are met. Also remain prayerful of the pastor. This ministry is in charge of planning pastoral anniversaries.

Blooming Women Ministry

Women's ministry of Mount Olive. The ministry works to meet the holistic needs of women in the church.

Young Women of Yahweh

Ministry for girls ages 13-18. The goal is to provide a safe space to discuss topics and grow spiritually into strong women for God.

Facelift Ministry

Assumes major projects in the church to help ensure the building is in good physical shape. Works with the trustee board to plan and make improvements/renovations.